YDFA offers a range of sightseeing and travel options for volunteers and visitors, featuring unique experiences within the local communities and historical temples (small tour /big tour) in Siem Reap. YDFA -Contribution fee of $6 per person will be charged for community services arrangement, except for specified locations.
Temples (small or big for tour)-Responsible for covering your cost during sightseeing
Transportation Options (per day)
Remork (Tuk-Tuk): Suitable for 2 persons, $19.
Car: Fits 2-3 persons, $45.
Mini-Van: Fits 4-10 persons, $55.
Bus: Seats up to 25 persons, $75.
2-Guided Tours (per day)
English-speaking guide: $35.
Japanese-speaking guide: $45.
French/German-speaking guide: $55.
3-Temple Pass
1-day pass: $37.
3-day pass: $62.
7-day pass: $72.
Your accommodation at Youth's Dream
To contribute 13$ a night included breakfast (fried rice or fried noodle) for students practice
Your accommodation at 3 star or 4 star hotel
To pay directly 25$ or 35$ a night included breakfast to the hotel
Youth’s Dream fulfillment Association (YDFA) is a free program training skills to disadvantaged youths from around Cambodia. These are its goal and objective as well