Youth's dream fufillment
History of Youth's Dream
Youth Dreams: Building Brighter Futures
With over 20 years of experience in the hospitality and hotel industry in Siem Reap, Mr. Makara has created something truly remarkable with Youth Dreams. Established in 2016, Youth Dreams was born from his vision of empowering young people to build better lives by equipping them with skills to secure employment, improve their nutrition, and earn an income that supports their families. The lack of access to education, nutrition, or income opportunities traps many children in a cycle of poverty that can be nearly impossible to escape.
Makara began by reaching out to his network within the hospitality industry, seeking like-minded individuals who shared his vision. He needed people with not just the right skills but the right attitude. Through partnerships with non-profit organizations (NPOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as mass distribution of flyers and word-of-mouth referrals, he gathered the first cohort of students for Youth Dreams.
The program’s foundational courses—food and beverage service, housekeeping, food preparation and front office —have been the cornerstones since the beginning. Looking to the future, Youth Dreams aims to expand with additional training in bakery and electronic technician skills.
Each class is structured as a six-month in-house program, combining vocational training with English and Chinese language lessons, as well as computer literacy. This comprehensive approach ensures that students graduate well-rounded and ready to enter the job market.

Youth's dream fufillment
After completing the initial training, students embark on a four-month internship at local businesses, where they refine their skills and gain hands-on experience. To support students from remote areas, as well as interns and alumni, Youth Dreams operates two homestay properties, providing convenient access to both their jobs and the school.
One of the biggest challenges faced by the program is healthcare. Over 20% of students miss classes due to illness, and healthcare expenses represent a significant financial burden. Despite these hurdles, Youth Dreams boasts an impressive employment rate among its graduates, contributing not only to the improved well-being of the students but also to the overall quality of life for their families and communities.
Youth Dreams doesn’t just transform the lives of children living in poverty; it is creating a measurable, positive impact across Cambodia, fostering hope and opportunity for future generations.